- 競賽為 48 小時的線上 Jeopardy 形式 CTF
- 競賽採取積分累計制,依分數高低進行排名
- 每道題目的分數將會根據解題隊伍數即時進行動態調整
- Flag 形式為:
hitcon{printable ascii+}
Contest Information
- This is an online jeopardy style CTF last for 48 hours.
- Teams earn points from solving challenges, and are ranked by their total points.
If two teams get a
same score, their rank is decided by who has an earlier latest correct submission.
- The points of each challenge will be dynamically adjusted based on how many teams have solved it.
- Flag format:
hitcon{printable ascii+}
總共 12 支隊伍將參加 11 月 9 - 10 號於台北舉行的 HITCON CTF Final (現場 Attack & Defense,每隊 4 人),晉級規則如下:
- 預賽前九名的隊伍
- 預賽第一名的台灣隊伍,相關限制如下
- 決賽現場至少需有 2 位隊員出席,並且現場出席隊員須具備中華民國國籍或永久居留證
- 初賽註冊隊伍時須將國家設成 Taiwan
- 不提供台灣隊伍機票補助
- 一支由 AIS3 推薦的隊伍
- Balsn CTF 2024 冠軍隊伍
A total of 12 teams will be invited to HITCON CTF Final on Nov 9-10. (Onsite Attack & Defense in Taipei, 4
players / team) The following teams will be invited.
- Top 9 teams in the qualification
- Top 1 Taiwanese team (See limitations below)
- At least 2 members must be present onsite at the finals, and each of those attending must be either a
citizen or permanent resident of the R.O.C (Taiwan).
- Must set the country to Taiwan when they register for the qualification.
- Flight reimbursement is not provided for Taiwanese teams.
- A team recommended by AIS3 program.
- Champions of Balsn CTF 2024
07/12(五) 22:00 ~ 07/14(日) 22:00 (UTC+8, 48 小時)
Contest Time
Jul. 12 14:00 ~ Jul. 14 14:00 (UTC, 48 hours)
- 第一名獎金: $10,000 USD
- 第二名獎金: $5,000 USD
- 第三名獎金: $2,000 USD
- 臺灣之星特殊獎: $1,000 USD
Awards in Final
- 1st place: $10,000 USD
- 2nd place: $5,000 USD
- 3rd place: $2,000 USD
- Special award for Taiwan teams: $1,000 USD
- 競賽期間,做出以下違規事項者將直接取消資格:
- 進行任何破壞競賽公平公正原則之行為
- 散播、與其它隊伍交換解法或 Flag
- 除競賽中提供的題目外,對競賽系統、參賽者及其它人員進行攻擊
- 每位參賽者最多僅能參與一個隊伍
Contest Rules
- During the contest, any of the following behaviors will lead to disqualification:
- Any behavior that compromises the fairness of contest
- Publishing, exchanging challenge solutions or Flags
- Attacking any personnel, including participants and non-participants, or the contest system itself
- Each player can only join one team.
Rights Reserved
Organizers may rearrange/modify contest challenges, proceedings, and rules.